April 29, 2014

Training by the Numbers

Despite having purchased a new pair of running shoes at the end of January, I recently found myself in need of another. This was bit of a challenge in Madrid, where the average height, and consequently foot size, is notably smaller than in Canada. After some intensive searching, I finally found exactly what I was looking for - a duplicate of my current shoes!
I was scrolling through the data from my Garmin and found the culprit... I hadn't done the math on my program so was surprised when I saw the totals. In March I ran 319 km which took 1,670 minutes or almost 28 hours. I also burned over 20,000 calories! In total, I will have run 991 km since beginning my training in January (not including the 42.2 km on race day). This equates to approximately 83 hours of running. No wonder my shoes needed to be retired!

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