April 13, 2014

NZ road trip part II

Paul and I were impressed by the beautiful landscape of the South Island. There are many large mountains providing breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys and seas. However, these also made driving an interesting experience. I was surprised that nearly all country roads have a 100 km/hr speed limit. Even if you're driving up a mountain, around a hairpin turn (with no guardrail) or over a single lane bridge. Kiwi motorists appeared up for the challenge though.
During our trip we also discovered that there really are sheep everywhere in New Zealand. We visited several parks where we had to open farm gates or climb stairs over fences (and watch our step!) during our hikes. New Zealand embraces this image - walking through the jetway to board our plane, we were surrounded by a panoramic photo of a sheep farm complete with an audio recording of sheep baaing.

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